Additionally, there are costume pieces that are referred to as gold or silver tone, which means the coatings on these pieces are equitable to a gold or silver paint and a more inexpensive option.
Fine Jewelry vs Costume Jewelry
The fine jewelry of the present era dates back to the 19th century, and it consists of gold, platinum, and gemstones. Predominant jewelry styles tend to conform to the artistic style of the times. Between 1910 and 1920, an artistic style known as Art Nouveau became popular. The style is characterized by abstractions, flowing lines, flowers, serpents, butterflies, and the depiction of women carved into the surfaces of many of this era's jewelry pieces, whether that be a brooch or a ring. It was at this time that enamel jewelry became popular.

Designers began using this technique to decorate metals that were less expensive. The technique helped to catapult costume jewelry's popularity among the people who liked the style, but they could not pay the high prices for precious metals. Although the style was the same, the pieces had a category of their own. They were not valuable because they were not considered to be fine jewelry.

The 1940s is known as the Retro period in jewelry. Pink gold, large brooches, lush styling, and an extravagant use of gemstones characterize this style. Much of the enameled costume pieces of the 1920s created a new market for costume styles that mimicked the Retro period's fine jewelry styles. During World War II, many women could not afford to buy jewelry made of precious metals. This gave rise to an even wider market for costume jewelry. If there was a budget for staying on top of fashion trends, many of the women bought costume jewelry to accessorize their clothing. Although it is too early to say how historians may describe the jewelry of today, jewelry experts predict that it may be known for its eclecticism. Today's designs, vintage to modern, reflect a broad range of influences. It borrows freely from all previous eras, and it reflects the individual tastes of both designers and clients. Costume jewelry is very much a part of today's styles, but there are still distinct differences between costume jewelry and fine jewelry, such as the materials and rhinestones they may use.

The fine jewelry of the present era dates back to the 19th century, and it consists of gold, platinum, and gemstones. Predominant jewelry styles tend to conform to the artistic style of the times. Between 1910 and 1920, an artistic style known as Art Nouveau became popular. The style is characterized by abstractions, flowing lines, flowers, serpents, butterflies, and the depiction of women carved into the surfaces of many of this era's jewelry pieces, whether that be a brooch or a ring. It was at this time that enamel jewelry became popular. Designers began using this technique to decorate metals that were less expensive. The technique helped to catapult costume jewelry's popularity among the people who liked the style, but they could not pay the high prices for precious metals. Although the style was the same, the pieces had a category of their own. They were not valuable because they were not considered to be fine jewelry.
The 1940s is known as the Retro period in jewelry. Pink gold, large brooches, lush styling, and an extravagant use of gemstones characterize this style. Much of the enameled costume pieces of the 1920s created a new market for costume styles that mimicked the Retro period's fine jewelry styles. During World War II, many women could not afford to buy jewelry made of precious metals. This gave rise to an even wider market for costume jewelry. If there was a budget for staying on top of fashion trends, many of the women bought costume jewelry to accessorize their clothing. Although it is too early to say how historians may describe the jewelry of today, jewelry experts predict that it may be known for its eclecticism. Today's designs, vintage to modern, reflect a broad range of influences. It borrows freely from all previous eras, and it reflects the individual tastes of both designers and clients. Costume jewelry is very much a part of today's styles, but there are still distinct differences between costume jewelry and fine jewelry, such as the materials and rhinestones they may use.
Defining the Differences
The difference between fine jewelry and costume jewelry is the quality of the metal used in the jewelry and the authenticity of the stones set into the pieces. Additionally, fine jewelry can last for generations, and it is often considered an investment or something worth collecting and passing down to family members. There are a few guidelines that can help consumers to understand the difference between fine jewelry and costume jewelry. Items considered to be fine jewelry are constructed of gold, sterling silver, or platinum.

Both yellow and white gold must be at least 10 karats or higher to be classified as fine jewelry. Generally, yellow and white gold are offered to consumers in 10, 14, and 24 karats. When examining yellow gold, its appearance becomes a deeper gold color in the higher karats. White gold looks just about the same in all choices of karats. Gold in higher karats tends to be softer, and it scratches more easily than the lower karats.
Stones, Pearls, and Diamonds
Stones must be natural gemstones, which possess all the visual, chemical, and physical properties of mined gemstones to be categorized as fine jewelry. All pearls that are naturally formed are categorized as fine jewelry. Many people become confused about pearls because they are unsure if cultured pearls are authentic. Cultured pearls are natural pearls. They are cultivated in oysters that are specifically used for the scheduled production of pearls. Since they are natural, cultured pearls are categorized as fine jewelry. All natural diamonds are considered to be fine jewelry. Many manufactured stones are not in the category of fine jewelry because they are not genuine diamonds. Some of these synthetic stones include briolite, cubic zirconium, Diamonique, glass, moissanite, plastic, quartz, rhinestone, and strontium titanate. Diamonds consist of pure carbon. Lab-created diamonds are of the same chemical properties as diamonds; however, when lab-created diamonds are sold, they must be identified as being lab-created. The price of lab-created diamonds is significantly lower when compared to natural diamonds. Many people like the idea of having the choice to set a lab-created diamond into their jewelry because they can get the stones for a fraction of the price of a mined diamond. However, the value of the piece is not worth as much if they decide to sell it later. These stones are considered to be substitutions for mined diamonds.
Costume Jewelry
Costume jewelry first appeared in the 1930s. Wearing costume jewelry was a way to embellish a costume or an outfit. When the term "costume jewelry" is used today, it is sometimes interchanged with the term fashion jewelry. Both have become synonymous with one another. The term is generally dependent on the place where the jewelry was purchased. These terms are used to describe jewelry that is usually constructed of inexpensive mass-produced materials.

For consumers, the biggest difference between costume and fine jewelry, perhaps even an antique piece, is the price. High-quality craftsmanship and metals command a much higher price. Designers who are well-known for fashion design jewelry that is not classified as fine jewelry, may have many pieces that are highly sought after by consumers. This usually drives the price higher; however, consumers seem to love a dazzling and inexpensive piece. Many designers have become household names through their costume jewelry designs, and their pieces do well in today's marketplace.

Most costume jewelry is constructed with plated metal. There is only a thin coat of metal over other, less expensive, metals. Brass is a base metal often used for this purpose. Some costume pieces have no precious metal at all, and they are painted over a less expensive metal to resemble gold, silver, or platinum. Jewelry considered to be costume also includes authentic gold, silver, or platinum settings that are set with manufactured stones. If the stones are natural, but the settings are plated, the piece is categorized as costume jewelry. If the main stone in the piece is natural, but the surrounding stones are manufactured, the piece is classified as costume jewelry. The same is true if the surrounding stones are natural and the main stone is manufactured. Mixing natural gemstones with manufactured gemstones or rhinestones in a precious metal setting may significantly lower the value of the piece in the retail market.

The methods used to tell the difference between fine jewelry and costume jewelry are simple. Fashion jewelry is not made of precious metals, natural gemstones, natural pearls, or diamonds. There are some exceptions with precious metal pieces. These include precious metal settings that feature a main stone as a natural stone, but the surrounding stones are manufactured. The opposite is also true. When the main stone is manufactured and the surrounding stones are natural, the jewelry will be classified as costume jewelry. The term costume jewelry is generally interchangeable with the term fashion jewelry. Many of today's designers design fashion jewelry, and consumers enjoy collecting their pieces. Although a designer name may increase the price, their pieces are trendsetting items that are highly sought after. Modern designers have become very popular through their lines of costume jewelry, and their pieces sell quickly within the marketplace.
To find fine jewelry on eBay, go to the eBay homepage and highlight the All Categories tab. From the menu that appears, choose Jewelry & Watches. On the left side of the display page, choose Fine Jewelry. Metal choices can be made on the left side of the display page. To find costume jewelry on eBay, go the homepage and highlight the All Categories tab. From the menu, click Jewelry & Watches. On the left side of the page, choose Fashion Jewelry. A menu appears to allow the selection of the specific type of jewelry to be chosen. For instance, rings, necklaces, and earrings are included in these choices. If the desired item does not appear on the display page, simply type the exact name of the item in the search bar at the top of the page.